Initial Ideas
Initial Ideas;
-Serial Rapist
- Hidden Identify
My first initial idea was to have some sort of hidden identify behind one of the main characters, this was because I am familiar with the 'Born Identity' thriller films, as I had watched them recently I knew the storyline well and thought that we could use some of the ideas and conventions of the 'Born Identity' thrillers. One of the main conventions of a thriller usualy involves a hidden identify too and I thought it was important to use some main conventions in orfer to make a successful thriller opening sequence. However we decided not to use this idea in the end because we felt that too many thrillers use this convention so it would be hard to actually compete with the original good thrillers and it would show ours up.
Another idea was the idea of a serial rapist. It was immedietly decided that this idea would be too dificult and it would be too dramatised, it would be very hard to come up with a storyline which we could fit in to a short 1-2 minute opening sequence witout giving the story away too soon. We thought that it would be too graphic and fake, which would make it unrealistic. In conclusion this idea would be too dramatised and wouldn't be like a thriller.
Our final idea was the idea of a stalker which we agreed was the idea that we were going to use. This is because we came up with many ideas that would give us a range of shots, a variation of shots is something we all wanted to inculde as we were explained this was needed in order to gain a good mark. We also came up with the idea of using our original idea of 'hidden identify' throughout our thriller based around the stalker as the stalker would have a hidden identify; this meant we could include a main convention.
Labels: Rosie
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